Frequently ask

Got questions? You are in the right place. Here we try to answer and explain most of the common questions our customers have had.


What is Mail Roll?

A tool to send multiple emails at one time. It helps you keep up with your audience, sell products, spread ideas.

Who uses Mail Roll?

Influencers, Businesses, Bloggers, Content Creators and anyone who manage a subscribers list.

Why should I use Mail Roll?

In contrast to other email services, Mail Roll was designed to help non-technical folks to reach their audience and send them emails fast and on a very easy way. We tried to be as simple as possible so that none of you would hesitate while creating the email. We also give you specific stats (Amount of people who read the email, what link they clicked on, who unsubscribed, how many likes and dislikes, ect.) about each of your sent emails. Finally but not least, you will acquire a profile page where you will be able to accept PayPal donations and list all of your sent emails.

How can I delete my account?

We’re really sad to see you go. To delete your account go to your “Settings” and click on “Delete Account”.


Which payment methods do you provide?

Stripe really helps us to manage our plans, so we're using Stripe with support for credit cards. Unfortunately, credit cards are the only way to pay for Mail Roll at the moment. PayPal has no baked-in support for our plans, but maybe we add the feature to purchase an anually plan of Mail Roll with PayPal. If you want to use other payment methods, just write us ([email protected]).

Do you store my payment details?

For God's sake, no! You'll send your credit card details directly to Stripe which is one of the biggest payment providers in the world. They store your payment credentials for the time of your subscription. Stripe gives us the name of the brand of your credit card and the last four numbers. That's it. We use these details to show you, which credit card you added. We don't store your credit card number or CVC or anything.

How do you charge me?

We charge you considering your subscribers lists. We won't charge you until you pass 0 - 1,000 subscribers. After that we'll charge you on the amount of subscribers you manage.

How does anually plans work?

Anually plans were made for those who are going to use our service the whole year. The reason why you should choose an anually plan is to save 16,66% of the money you would be paying if you pay every single month. More specific, you would be paying 10 months of the plan you chose and get the other 2 months for free.

What if I want to cancel my plan?

No problem, You head to your Settings, then click on cancel plan and we won't charge you next month.

What about features in every plan?

Every plan even free include all features (stats, profile, email templates, PayPal Donations).

Emails, Subscriber lists & Profile page

Can I have multiple subscriber lists?

Yes, and we will put together the amount of subscribers of all the lists you manage and charge you that amount of subscribers. Check the pricing

What's the deal with email templates?

We offer a bunch of email templates for you to choose and create your email in an easy, fast and beautiful way.

How can I add my subscriber list?

Go to Settings and click on add new "subscriber list". You can upload it like csv file.

How can I change my name, email or profile picture ?

Go to Settings. You can change those there.

What kind of email stats do you provide?

We offer you a lot of stats from your sent emails. For example: Amount of people who read the email, what link they clicked on, who unsubscribed, how many likes and dislikes, ect.

What about PayPal Donations?

Once you create your account, you have the possibility to accept PayPal Donations directly from your sent emails and from your Profile page. If you don't want to accept PayPal Donations, just go to Settings and disable the service. And if you want to enable the service, just go to Settings and enable it.

Why are these emails so good?

First of all, we make sure none of your emails go to Spam section. Also, we deliver them extremely fast and we are known for being the simplest, easiest and fastest way to send multiple emails.